Friday, March 23, 2007

~Tom's Diner~

~ Tom's Diner ~

The story of Tom’s Diner. One morning, it was a rainy day.
Suzanne sat in the coffee shop, she waited and then looked
outside, and presently she looked a pair of lover who was
kissing each other in the wayside. Then she took the milk up
for hiding that she looked. After, she put the newspaper out
and read it. She read it from newspapers about an actor’s death,
and horoscopes. After a while, she saw a woman who standing
outside shaking the umbrella and then looking inside, the same
time she saw herself reflection from the window. Before long
she noticed the other woman who was straightening her stockings,
waiting the car. She had been each and every move of outside
until the train came then she took the train.

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